
Commercial and Military Laser Radar Systems

Our commercial Lidar surveying system is the "Gold Standard" for corridor mapping.

Our military Lidar system assists rotorcraft pilots landing in Degraded Visual Environments (DVE).

Our military Lidar system also supports autonomous rotorcraft flight including Obstacle Field Navigation and Safe Landing Zone Determination.

We tailor our core technology to our customer's application.

hob jcheli
blackhawk nose

About Burns Technologies, LLC

Burns Technologies was formed in August of 2016 by the four principles of H.N. Burns Engineering Corporation following the retirement of its owner/president. Burns Technologies will continue to offer the same exceptional products and services that have evolved over the last 33 years.


MFL - Multi-Function Laser Radar

The Multi-Function Laser Radar (MFL) system is an eye-safe imaging Laser Radar technology development system designed and built by H. N. Burns Engineering Corporation. The primary components of the MFL system are a nose-mounted Laser Radar Sensor Turret and a System Electronics Unit (SEU) that is mounted in the avionics bay of the helicopter.

The MFL system has two modes of operation: Approach to Landing (ATL) mode and Enroute mode. In ATL mode, the MFL provides the pilot a clear view of the Landing Zone (LZ) in Degraded Visiblity Environment (DVE) including darkness and zero visibility brownout conditions. Enroute mode provides visual and audible cues to alert the aircrew of imminent Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT) and potential collision with towers, wires and cables.


The Approach to Landing mode provides a real-time perspective 3D image of the Landing Zone on the cockpit display using color-coded Ladar point clouds rendered from the pilot’s eye point. The Ladar point clouds are generated on approach to the LZ; the aircraft position and orientation are provided by a high precision Inertial Navigation System (INS). The image to the right shows the Ladar point cloud fused with Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) data. The obstacles and wires are color-coded depending on height above the terrain. Rotor strike hazards (trees, poles, wires/cables) are colored red; small obstacles (bushes, boulders) are colored yellow. Artificial runway symbols, shown in green, provide additional situational awareness.


The Enroute Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems (HTAWS) capabilities provide real-time day/night, all-weather visualization of the flight path environment, including bare earth terrain as well as objects such as buildings, towers, trees and wires/cables. The MFL system fuses high resolution georeferenced Ladar data with level 2 DTED to provide a real-time view of the flight path with potential collision hazards identified in a hierarchical caution/alert system. Both visual and audible cues alert the aircrew to imminent Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) or collision with hazards such as towers, wires or cables. The picture to the right shows the cockpit display when the aircraft is within 6 seconds of a collision with the terrain on the current course.


The MFL provided the "vision" for autonomous Blackhawk flight operations testing...

EBAIR - Eyesafe Burns Active Infrared Sensor

  • Aerial Surveying Senor
  • Eye-safe at the aperture
  • Max range > 500m
  • Sub-cm range jitter
  • 150,000 pixels per second
  • Multihit: 4 per pixel
  • GIGE data interface
  • RGB colorizing option
  • Weighs 60 lbs

The EBAIR outputs RGB colorized data streams (not post-processed for color)...

HOB - Height-Of-Burst Sensor

Air Force Submunition Fuze

  • Gen-1: Discrete logic PECL, fixed threshold
  • Gen-2: CMOS CPLD, fixed threshold
  • Delivered 14,000 mil-qualified fuzes in 2003-2004

Raytheon (Navy) Sensor

  • Selected for Land Attack Standard Missle January 2000
  • Gen-1 evaluated by Johns Hopkins APL June 2000
  • APL tests indicated Gen-1 would pre-fuze on smoke
  • Gen-3 Microprocessor and array logic, RS-422, EMC
  • Gen-3 smoke alogorithms validated by APL June 2001
  • Gen-3 flight qualification/EMC testing complete July 2001
  • Delivered 25 Gen-3 (20 flight) units October 2001

Contact us for more information

Burns Technologies, LLC

830 Eyrie Drive, Suite 1040

Orlando, FL, 32826

Tel: +01 407-278-0690

Fax: +01 407-278-0691

Click here to email us at info@burnsllc.com


Burns Technologies, LLC

830 Eyrie Drive, Suite 1040

Orlando, FL, 32826

Copyright © Burns Technologies, LLC 2016